
Tokopedia is an Indonesian technology company with a mission to democratize commerce through technology. We are the leading marketplace in Indonesia; we encourage millions of merchants and consumers to participate in the future of commerce. Our vision is to build an ecosystem where everyone can start and discover anything with ease. We are holding to these three principles that drive us forward. We call them our DNA, the traits that embody who we are as Tokopedia Nakama: Focus on Consumer, Growth Mindset, and Make it Happen, Make it Better


Lowongan Rumah Sakit JIH Solo

Dibutuhkan :

  1. Perawat Umum
  2. Perawat Kulit & Kecantikan
  3. Perawat Gigi
  4. Bidan
  5. Sekteris Direksi
  6. Customer Service
  7. Admisi
  8. Koordinator Admisi.

Kirim lamaran ke Email : Rekuitmentjihsolo@RS-Jih.Co.Id

Terakhir tanggal 31 Maret 2020